Common Commercial Door Problems

Learn about the top 4 common commercial door problems.

Identifying Commercial Door Problems

Commercial doors range from high-end decorative entry glass doors equipped with automatic door operators to industrial loading dock doors that use heavy-duty lifting mechanisms. Your company’s doors are one of the most used items in every business, which means it’s essential that they are maintained in working condition. However, your building’s condition can contribute to too many common commercial door problems. If your building’s or office’s door openings aren’t perfectly vertical or plumb, with solid jambs, this can put undue stress on your commercial door. Added stress means it will need repairs sooner by a skilled repair technician that can prevent the same issue from happing again. National Equipment and Service Corp. has provided skilled commercial door repair in Irvine for over three decades. Below are some of the most common commercial door issues and how to repair them.

Wear and Tear from High Traffic

The more traffic your commercial door sees, the sooner it will wear out. The hinges aren’t the only part of your commercial door that suffers from high traffic. Commercial door parts like the latches, locks, closers, hinges, etc., also succumb to wear and tear. Aside from the heavy traffic, your commercial door’s location, such as customer entryways or loading docks, should also be considered. The traffic a loading dock commercial door sees versus a customer-used commercial door will suffer from different degrees of stress. One way to help prevent significant wear and tear from high traffic is by equipping your commercial door with commercial Grade 1 or heavy-duty industrial materials. This extends the operational life of the door and the jamb, and spending a bit more upfront will save you costly repairs in the future. Besides upgrading your commercial door’s materials, routine maintenance by a skilled repair commercial door technician will help extend your door’s life. Your automatic doors (doors with automatic openers or operators) and fire doors must be inspected annually. However, your other building’s commercial doors should also get an annual maintenance inspection to help prevent and fix minor issues before they lead to more costly repairs that affect your business’s daily operations.

Commercial Door Warpage

How exposed your commercial door is to the elements plays a significant role in potential problems. For example, an exterior hollow metal commercial door located on the west-facing with no awning or cover covering is exposed to hours of direct sunlight. If your commercial door is painted a dark color, the hollow metal door becomes enough to warp at peak summer temperatures gradually. Over time, your commercial door warping will aggregate, and the door could become permanently bowed or misaligned. If you defer commercial door repair for too long, you’ll need a new door installed and be out thousands of dollars and possibly have to pause your business operations. Heat warpage isn’t just limited to hollow metal doors. The frames on your commercial glass doors can also become warped with enough exposure to the elements. Typically, if your commercial door becomes warped, it may return somewhat to shape when the temperature cools off. However, a warped door will stay warped or get worse. Besides preventative measures like adding an awning, if possible, and painting the door a lighter shade to help deflect heat, you can repair your existing commercial door or have a new one installed that is more resistant to the elements. Door manufacturers offer doors that are designed to resist warpage. Many commercial door manufacturers offer insulated steel doors filled with energy-saving polyurethane insulation. National Equipment and Service Corp. provides commercial door repair if it’s warped or recommends a new installation based on the condition of your existing door. Plus, we’ll ensure that is it is installed up to code so your business I back up and running with your employee’s safety top of mind.

Failure to Completely Open and Close

One of the most common commercial door problems is the door not closing or opening entirely or difficulty opening and closing. This is especially true with commercial glass doors that aren’t constructed from as durable materials as a dire door. While it may be one issue, a skilled commercial door repair technician, like ours at NES, can help determine the root cause, which may involve more than one problem, so you need to inspect the jamb and door thoroughly. The first thing to check is if your commercial door is aligned correctly or mounted to the jamb. If not, replacing a part of your commercial door will only temporarily relieve the problem. Look at the header and floor to determine if it’s a door swing problem or if the door or frame is out of alignment. Look for worn or unflushed hinges. One or a combination of these issues could cause your door to fail to open and close properly. Be especially careful when addressing door closers, as incorrect adjustments can cause them to leak. When this happens, they typically can no longer be repaired and need to be replaced. If your glass commercial door rep[air is beyond your capability, Or you need it done right the first time, we can help.

Commercial Door Gaps

Gaps around your commercial door are not only unsightly, but they can lead to higher heating and cooling cost and allow pest to enter your building more easily. If the gap is larger or uneven, this can indicate a structure or installation problem. Filling the gap to limit air filtration can be done using gasketing products, many specifically designed for different parts of your commercial door. While you can attempt to fill the gaps yourself, it’s best to call a certified repair technician. Not only will they know which gasketing product to use, but they can make sure it installed properly so your commercial door functions they way it should and helps prevent any safety issues for your staff or customers.

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